The enduring relationship between humans and bees is well documented since ancient times, but it’s difficult to imagine a period where our relationship with these insects has evolved and been challenged as in the past 100 years. Rich in literary and artistic symbolism, the honey bee has stood for industry and teamwork, sweetness and pain, and so much more. From a time of endless prosperity of beekeeping in the early 20th century to today’s complex challenges with CCD and other factors leading to nationwide bee decline, this talk explores the story of our shifting relationship with bees, as well as with one another, as told through commercial print, television and nontraditional advertising.
Presented by Molly Conley of Molly Conley Design and Andrew Coté of Andrew's Honey.
Following the presentation will be a special honey tasting, featuring an assortment of honeys from around the world.
Tickets available here
Note for NYCBA Members:
We are offering admission discounts for NYCBA members who have renewed their membership as of January 2016. This discount applies only to individual members, not members' guests. Send us an email at for a $15 discount code.