Order Bee Packages
For the past fifteen years the New York City Beekeepers Association has collaborated with supporter Andrew Coté of Silvermine Apiary, home of Andrew’s Honey, to bring healthy and vibrant three pound packages of Italian honeybees with mated Italian queens, right into the heart of New York City.
Andrew’s family has collaborated with the same beekeeping family in Georgia for over three decades. You will be doing yourself a favor by purchasing these bees. Prefer northern bees? Then we suggest that you buy these packages of bees and re-queen with a Northern bred queen, unless you prefer to start too late in the year to have the chance of the bees making enough honey to sustain themselves, not to speak of a harvest for the beekeeper. Questions? Check out the site, https://www.andrewshoney.com/shop/live-bees/p/3-lbs-of-live-bees-1